
“Context is King” Part 3

There’s a common phrase people use at times when discussing a scripture passage that seems innocent enough but can have disastrous results. That phrase is “what it means to me.” We certainly should attach the Bible’s truth to our lives, however, we don’t have the authority to bend a passage’s meaning to fit our preference. It isn’t important what a passage means to me. What’s important is what it actually means. A passage has one meaning, and understanding the context can help us understand what that meaning is. 

In the linked video below, the Bible Project does a beautiful job explaining the three parts of historical context that need to be considered in understanding the letters in the New Testament. As mentioned in a previous post, historical context is just one consideration in understanding a passage of the Bible. There is also the brief mention of the literary context in the video as well. But the main focus is on the 3 levels of historical context: scriptural storyline, cultural and situational contexts of the audience that received the New Testament letter. 

As we read God’s Word, it’s important to understand what it truly means and then apply it to our lives as we live and love like Jesus. 

Jon Price

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“Context is King” Part 2

In understanding God’s word fully and accurately, it is important to understand it in the correct context. Today we’ll discuss different forms of literary context. 
Just as in any literature, there are different genres and devices used to convey the message of the author. And they should be understood in light of them. We don’t read prose the same way we would read poetry and when metaphors are used, the reader is expected to look beyond the image to see the intended idea. Sometimes these genres and devices are easy to identify, and sometimes not. 
When we read in Song of Solomon 4 the words of the man to the woman:
“How beautiful you are, my darling!
    Oh, you are beautiful!
Your eyes behind your veil are like doves.
    Your hair is like a flock of goats streaming down Mount Gilead.
Your teeth are white like newly sheared sheep
    just coming from their bath.
Each one has a twin,
    and none of them is missing.”
…we’re pretty sure he’s speaking poetically, using simile. This passage isn’t meant to be understood literally or at face value. Understanding that the author is using certain devices allows us to appreciate the message as intended. 
The Bible contains several different literary genres: 
  • Historical narrative – the author tells what actually happened, play by play (Jesus heals the blind man) 
  • Parable – an earthly story conveying a spiritual meaning (the sower and the seed)
  • Wisdom literature – wise sayings, and principles (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes)
  • Apocalyptic – writing to reveal hidden truths about God, the spiritual realm and the future (Daniel and Revelation)
Many of these genres use distinguishing literary devices as well, for instance: 
  • Historical narrative might include related historical events such as Luke’s account of Christ’s birth, “In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria.” Luke 2:1-2
  • Wisdom literature might use poetry, or alliteration. For instance, Psalm 119 is an acrostic, where every 8 verses begins with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 
  • Apocalyptic literature uses symbolism, and numerology throughout giving meaning to those to whom the message was intended but seeming mysterious and puzzling to those unfamiliar with the allusions.  
In the coming weeks we’ll look a little deeper at these types of contexts and their accompanying devices. But for today celebrate the fact that God’s word is deep and rich not only in it’s meaning but in it’s varied and beautiful delivery. 
Jon Price


*extra credit question: who said the quote in the meme above? 

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“Context is King” Part 1

Knowing the context to any conversation or message can help us avoid misunderstandings and potentially huge mistakes. How many times have you heard half of a conversation and your assumptions to fill in the gaps led you down the wrong path? Knowing who said what to whom and for what reason can help us appreciate the true intent and meaning of what is said. 
It’s the same when we read scripture. Knowing who wrote the text, to whom it was written and the circumstances behind it are a great place to start in understanding a passage. Many a high school football player has stepped onto the field claiming, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) And half as many have walked off the field at the end of the night wondering why God lied to them. But author and audience are only a couple examples of context. 
Looking at the cultural context will give us a completely different understanding of a text at times. When we read Romans 12:20-21 through our own filter, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head,” those of us with a more vindictive nature might see it as license to give our enemies what they truly deserve. But the cultural context is far different. One of the important responsibilities of the woman of the house was to keep an eye on the fire. The fire was used not only to cook but to provide light and heat during the night. To let it go out was a dereliction of duty and it was a humiliating admission for the woman to have to go to a neighbor asking for coals to start it back up. Paul was encouraging believers from an earlier proverb to be generous and restore the dignity (save face) of even their enemies. What a beautiful (and vastly different) message when we understand the cultural context. 
For a further look on context (physical, digital or audio), I recommend Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes, by Richards and O’Brien as an introduction. 
For an oldie but a goodie, check out the ever hilarious “Wayside Chapel” context mixup.



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