Focus this Week – The Word of God

1 Peter 1:25

“But the word of the Lord endureth forever.”

The word “endure” means to stay.  There is no circumstance that can break down or diminish the power of the Word of God.  The Bible has been the best seller every year since it was the first book printed on press in 1455.  No TV show, athletic record, scientific invention, musical hit, nor human achievement can say that.  A Best Seller or number one hit will always be knocked off by something else; but, the Bible has never been topped by another book in any of 551 years of being printed for sale. Selling more copies does not verify the truth of the Bible, but it does show that people are constantly drawn to it. 

Furthermore, even though men have tried to burn it, the government tries to shun it, and individuals try to ignore it, the Bible is still true, and working in truth to change lives.  Though many will not admit the Bible’s success, there is no denying its grasp upon our hearts.  God’s Word will stand when everything in the universe falls apart. 

There must be something special about the Bible. So, take the time to read the passages this week and find strength in the power of God’s Word.

Use the HEAR method as you spend time with today’s scripture.

Highlight – what words or phrases jump out at you
Explain – what does the passage mean?
Apply – how does the passage intersect with your life today?
Respond – how is God leading you to respond?

Today’s post is by Pastor Stephen Williams

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"Even though men have tried to burn it, the government tries to shun it, and individuals try to ignore it, the Bible is still true, and working in truth to change lives." 

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