God’s Word will Not Pass Away

Matthew 24:35

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

Nothing lasts forever in this world. Our jobs, bodies, health, money, knowledge, and abilities – those things we take pride in and depend on gradually fade away. We look at our lives and admit that we aren’t able to do as much as we once could. Things come and go with our seasons of life, and we need to be willing and ready to move with that flow.

These changes can be very hard to come to grips with – losing a job, a family member, an ability, even our independence. Everyone is looking for something to give them a sense of security and value. We have a deep desire to feel in control of our lives. And we are shaken when we realize that we don’t have control over much at all. At moments we feel as we do because we hit a speed bump that leaves us confused and frustrated. Our world is always changing. This last year and a half has pounded that point home. The only One with actual control in this world is Jesus Christ.

I hope you believe that to be true. And moreover that your daily actions prove that you do. We know that most things will pass away, however, this verse gives a clear promise that the word of God will never pass away. This is good news for followers of Jesus. This allows us to press on when we lose our job, when we lose a family member, or feel alone and without hope. When our marriage is struggling, our kids are struggling, or even if our struggle is wondering if we’ll ever have a husband or wife, or children. The never-changing words of God will always give us the ability to press on, to take one more step. I ask you, are you spending time with the thing we are promised will not pass away? Are you studying God’s word? If not, and you desire something that lasts, I encourage you to start! 

While using the HEAR method (see below) consider the following questions:
  • What have you lost or seen fade in your life that you once counted on?
  • Has God’s word given you perspective on what is most significant and long-lasting? Has it given you peace as you’ve met loss and moved through different seasons? How so?
  • What habits have you put in place to keep God’s everlasting Word close to your heart?  

Highlight – what words or phrases jump out at you
Explain – what does the passage mean?
Apply – how does the passage intersect with your life today?
Respond – how is God leading you to respond?

Today’s post is by Macon Jones,
Pastor to Students and Young Adults

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Today's reading - Matthew 24:35. "The never-changing words of God will always give us the ability to press on, to take one more step. I ask you, are you spending time with the thing we are promised will not pass away?"

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