“A healthy marriage is when she feels like his princess, he feels like her prince, and both know that Jesus is King.”
Pastor Stephen – married 17 years
Prayer is key. Pray with your spouse every night. I firmly believe that is the main reason my husband and I are still married. It’s hard to stay mad at a person you’re supposed to pray with.
Joan Lehto, Ministry Assistant – married 27 years
Treva and I are “together.” We have seen great highs and lows in work, ministry, raising children, extended family, and health. Working through life together as we walk in our faith. Trusting God together when we could not see a way. We don’t know how strong we are until strong is our only choice.
Jim Sellers, Minister of Music and Sr Adults – married 42 years
I know God has given me my husband I get to share my life with. He is truly my best friend that knows me and loves me anyway. All the little things day to day are the big things. I love this quote, “A good marriage is one where each partner secretly suspects they got the better deal.”
Sharon Brown, Pastor’s Assistant – married 23 years
“Must be present to win.” Be present when you’re together, and make together time a priority – have fun, be serious, plan together, pray together, and minister together.”
Jon Price, Associate Pastor – married 23 years
I have always liked this quote. “A Godly marriage is when two people who deeply love God decide to love him together.”
Katie Marchman, Kids Director – married 15 years
Always be sure to compliment your spouse. “You’re so much better at washing the dishes than I am, that’s why I let you do it!”
Chris Stephens, Contemporary Worship Leader – married 8 years.
One of my favorite quotes is “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.” It is a great reminder that with God in our marriage, we have all that we ever need! Yes, there will be struggles, we all have them… but when you pray and put God first, everything else will fall into place on His watch. We may not understand why things happen, but we know there is a reason for everything and God will get us through it, together!
Melanie Land, Financial Assistant – married 19 years
“A man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.” Proverbs 18:22 CSB
Macon Jones, Pastor of Students and Young Adults – Still lookin’
By no means do we consider ourselves experts on the topic of marriage but here are 3 things we try to live by in our relationship. 1) Bring all to each other and bear all with each other. Complete honesty, even when it hurts, is key to a healthy relationship. 2) Strive to understand each other’s shortcomings and encourage each other with grace. A good example would be my swiftness to anger and my wife’s unwavering patience…I won’t give an example of her because she is perfect. 3) Learn to forgive and let things go.
Montana Ethridge, Communications Director – married 5 years